Insight 18 November 2022


According to the International Energy Agency’s report, Global EV Outlook 2022, over 16.5 million electric cars were on the road in 2021. 据报道,仅在过去三年里,这一数字就增长了300%.

A white electric car being charged

The UK Government’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution 确认到2030年将禁止销售新的汽油和柴油汽车. As a result, 预计未来5到10年,道路上的电动汽车数量将大幅增加.

为了确保我们能够满足这一需求水平,电动汽车基础设施必须跟上步伐. 它不仅需要跟上可用的电动汽车充电点(evcp)的数量, 但快速充电装置和路边设施也将在电动汽车的拥有趋势中发挥重要作用.  

Changing EV ownership trends



对于大多数潜在的电动汽车司机来说,“里程焦虑”加剧了他们的担忧. 他们担心在到达下一个充电点之前电量耗尽, or finding that they were all occupied when they got there. 这意味着电动汽车司机将不得不仔细规划行程,或者重新考虑长途旅行.

Happily, with more than 34,860 EVCPs now accessible via UK roads (as of September 2022*), range anxiety is less of an issue. Instead of the need to charge, as the prime reason for stopping, 人们的心态已经改变,越来越多的电动汽车司机只是在停车时充电.

As a result, it’s become more important that retailers, service stations and other public amenities, have plenty of EVCPs available. 不仅司机受益,而且他们停车的地方也有商业利益.

With 99% of EVs now capable of driving 100 miles, on a limited charge, low battery concerns are a thing of the past. 此外,快速evcp的出现是趋势转变的关键. 大多数50KW的充电器已经被150KW以上的充电器所取代,这意味着电动汽车可以充电更快. 现在,司机们会选择更符合传统需求的地点,比如“停车、喝茶、小便”。.

How has EV technology kept pace? 

As EV ownership has increased, so has the demand for EVCPs in remote locations, but grid capacity has proved a problem in some areas.

Two charging points for electric vehicles

In 2021, to overcome this challenge, Ofgem introduced the Green Recovery Fund. 鼓励对电网进行战略性投资, to create new capacity for installing low carbon technologies, 该基金为支持绿色经济提供了一个独特的机会.

Following its launch, 已经接受了来自配电网运营商的205个提案(包括那些被接受的范围缩小的提案). That is a total investment value of around £301.3 million. 这种投资水平不仅会增加EVCP网络, in line with EV demand, it also supports the Government’s objective of having 300,000 public EVCPs available by 2030.

埃克塞特的摩托加油站是电动汽车技术帮助克服产能挑战的一个很好的例子. Twelve new rapid EVCPs were installed, 与此同时,西部配电负责项目(Western Power Distribution Take Charge project)的一个创新项目将为现场提供33KV的12MW容量的连接. 该项目将确保在这个战略位置的高速公路澳博官方网站站的充电需求增加时,该容量是可用的. Also, with each EVCP capable of reaching 350KW, 使用这项澳博官方网站的司机可以在30分钟内充满电.

How Rock Power Connections can help

A Mitie-owned company, Rock Power Connections is one of the UK’s leading Independent Connections Providers. 我们专注于设计和安装新的和升级的商业电力连接, industrial and commercial properties, across the UK.

We offer a comprehensive service, from initial design to final switch-on, 并在加强电动汽车基础设施和安装低压和高压充电点方面有良好的记录. Our specialist team has installed EVCPs across the country, including Moto services in Rugby and Exeter, two of the busiest sites.

Get in touch 以了解Rock Power Connections如何帮助您的组织.

* At the end of September 2022, there were 34,860 electric vehicle charging points across the UK, across 20,888 charging locations. 这意味着自2021年9月以来,充电设备的数量增加了35%.

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